Thursday 28 June 2007

Music and Literature

William Harnett American, born Ireland, 1848(?)-1892
Music and Literature,1878

Titania, music call; and strike more dead
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Every month we are going to dedicate a post to Literature and Music.
These two artistic expressions have been combined since our ancestors created language, once Oral Literature and musical expression predate the written word. Both literature and music can be divided into genres, although this characterization may not always be consensual. Nevertheless, learning more about the literary and musical expression of a specific country can be an interesting way of learning more about its culture. If you think about fado or samba, Salman Rushdie or Cervantes, which countries come up to your mind?

In this space we won’t discriminate against any literary or musical expression.
We are looking forward to hearing your opinion and preferences. What are your favourite books and your favourite music? Why?
(The “remarks” can be written in Portuguese if you prefer).

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